py3plex.core.HINMINE package


py3plex.core.HINMINE.IO module

py3plex.core.HINMINE.IO.load_hinmine_object(infile, label_delimiter='---', weight_tag=False, targets=True)

py3plex.core.HINMINE.dataStructures module

class py3plex.core.HINMINE.dataStructures.Class(lab_id, name, members)

Bases: object

class py3plex.core.HINMINE.dataStructures.HeterogeneousInformationNetwork(network, label_delimiter, weight_tag=False, target_tag=True)

Bases: object

add_label(node, label_id, label_name=None)
decompose_from_iterator(name, weighing, summing, generator=None, degrees=None, parallel=False, pool=None)
midpoint_generator(node_sequence, edge_sequence)
split_to_indices(train_indices=(), validate_indices=(), test_indices=())
split_to_parts(lst, n)

py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition module

py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.aggregate_sum(input_thing, classes, universal_set)
py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.aggregate_weighted_sum(input_thing, classes, universal_set)
py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.calculate_importance_chi(classes, universal_set, linked_nodes, n, **kwargs)

Calculates importance of a single midpoint using chi-squared weighing. :param classes: List of all classes :param universal_set: Set of all indices to consider :param linked_nodes: Set of all nodes linked by the midpoint :param n: Number of elements of universal set :return: List of weights of the midpoint for each label in class

py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.calculate_importance_delta(classes, universal_set, linked_nodes, n, **kwargs)

Calculates importance of a single midpoint using delta-idf weighing :param classes: List of all classes :param universal_set: Set of all indices to consider :param linked_nodes: Set of all nodes linked by the midpoint :param n: Number of elements of universal set :return: List of weights of the midpoint for each label in class

py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.calculate_importance_gr(classes, universal_set, linked_nodes, n, **kwargs)

Calculates importance of a single midpoint using the GR (gain ratio) :param classes: List of all classes :param universal_set: Set of all indices to consider :param linked_nodes: Set of all nodes linked by the midpoint :param n: Number of elements of universal set :return: List of weights of the midpoint for each label in class

py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.calculate_importance_idf(classes, universal_set, linked_nodes, n, **kwargs)

Calculates importance of a single midpoint using idf weighing :param classes: List of all classes :param universal_set: Set of all indices to consider :param linked_nodes: Set of all nodes linked by the midpoint :param n: Number of elements of universal set :return: List of weights of the midpoint for each label in class

py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.calculate_importance_ig(classes, universal_set, linked_nodes, n, **kwargs)

Calculates importance of a single midpoint using IG (information gain) weighing :param classes: List of all classes :param universal_set: Set of all indices to consider :param linked_nodes: Set of all nodes linked by the midpoint :param n: Number of elements of universal set :return: List of weights of the midpoint for each label in class

py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.calculate_importance_okapi(classes, universal_set, linked_nodes, n, degrees=None, avgdegree=None)
py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.calculate_importance_rf(classes, universal_set, linked_nodes, n, **kwargs)

Calculates importance of a single midpoint using rf weighing :param classes: List of all classes :param universal_set: Set of all indices to consider :param linked_nodes: Set of all nodes linked by the midpoint :param n: Number of elements of universal set :return: List of weights of the midpoint for each label in class

py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.calculate_importance_tf(classes, universal_set, linked_nodes, n, **kwargs)

Calculates importance of a single midpoint using term frequency weighing. :param classes: List of all classes :param universal_set: Set of all indices to consider :param linked_nodes: Set of all nodes linked by the midpoint :param n: Number of elements of universal set :return: List of weights of the midpoint for each label in class

py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.calculate_importance_w2w(classes, universal_set, linked_nodes, n, **kwargs)
py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.calculate_importances(midpoints, classes, universal_set, method, degrees=None, avgdegree=None)
py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.chi_value(actual_pos_num, predicted_pos_num, tp, n)
py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.gr_value(actual_pos_num, predicted_pos_num, tp, n)
py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.hinmine_decompose(network, heuristic, cycle=None, parallel=False)
py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.hinmine_get_cycles(network, cycle=None)
py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.ig_value(actual_pos_num, predicted_pos_num, tp, n)
py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.np_calculate_importance_chi(predicted, label_matrix, actual_pos_nums)
py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.np_calculate_importance_tf(predicted, label_matrix)
py3plex.core.HINMINE.decomposition.rf_value(predicted_pos_num, tp)

Module contents